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​Topline Results


  • Ballot questions on minimum wage, campaign finance & redistricting, medical marijuana pass

  • motor fuel tax increase fails with 54% voting no

  • Republicans maintain control of Missouri House and Senate.

  • 3 Democrat pick-up and 3 Republican gains

  • Upsets include: Incumbents Rep. Kevin Corlew (R), Rep. Mark Matthiesen (R), Rep.Mike Revis (D) defeated;

  • Democrats pick up a seat in Lee’s Summit; Republicans pick up in St. Joseph and Hillsboro

  • US Senator Race: Hawley ousts McCaskill

  • State Auditor Democrat Nicole Galloway defeats Republican Challenger

  • Leadership races scheduled for Thursday




All 163 House seats were up for election this year.  There are 56 open seats in the Missouri House of Representatives; 15 are currently held by Democrats while 41 are held by Republicans. Of the 107 incumbent House members, 19 had no challenger whatsoever.   Of the 19, 9 Democrats have a free pass and 10 Republicans had no opposition. 

The Missouri Senate has 34 members.   All of the even numbered seats were up for election this cycle.  There are 8 open seats in the Senate; 1 Democrat and 7 Republicans.  There are 9 incumbent Senators up for re-election; 2 Democrats and 7 Republicans.  Only 1 Democrat and 1 Republican incumbent had a primary challenge.  Only Senate District 14 (St. Louis County) did not have a general election contest. 


Outcomes of Senate Races:


Senate District 2 (St. Charles County), Republican Senator Bob Onder easily won his re-election bid. 

Senate District 4 (St. Louis)– Rep. Karla May –D easily won her general election after ousting  Senator Jake Hummel-D with nearly 5,000 votes in the primary.

Senate District 6, comprised of Cole, Moniteau, Morgan, Miller, Osage, Maries & Gasconade Cos. (R-Kehoe)  Republican Mike Bernskoetter, the current House member handily defeated Democrat Nicole Thompson.

Senate District 8 (Eastern Jackson County) Republican Senator Mike Cierpoit defeated his challenger, Hillary Shields.

Senate District 10 (Counties of Monroe, Audrain, Callaway, Montgomery, Warren & Lincoln) – Incumbent Senator Jeanie Riddle handily defeated her opponent.     

Senate District 12 (Northwest Mo Counties)  Republican incumbent Senator Dan Hegeman returns for another term. 

Senate District 14, St. Louis Co. (D-Chappelle-Nadal) Democrat Brian Williams earning 40% of the vote in the three-way primary will be the next Senator, since no Republican filed for this seat.

Senate District 16, comprised of Camden, Pulaski, Phelps, Dent & Crawford Cos. (R-Brown) Republican Justin Brown easily defeated Democrat Ryan Dillon.  Justin Brown is the son of the current Senator Dan Brown.   

Senate District 18, comprised of Schuyler, Scotland, Clark, Adair, Knox, Lewis, Linn, Macon, Shelby, Marion, Chariton, Randoph, Ralls & Pike Cos. (R-Munzlinger) Republican Cindy O’Laughlin won the hotly contested four-way primary and easily defeated Democrat Crystal Stephens of Hannibal in the general election.

Senate District 20, Greene and Christian Counties,  (R-Wasson) Republican Eric Burlison (former House member) easily held this seat by defeating  D-Jim Billedo.

Senate District 22, Jefferson County, incumbent Republican Paul Wieland held his seat even though Democrats were hopeful in getting the edge with candidate Bob Butler. 

Senate District 24, St. Louis County, incumbent Democrat Senator Jill Schupp returns to the Senate as expected.

Senate District 26, Franklin and Western St. Louis County, incumbent Senator Dave Schatz easily defeats his opponent to return to the Senate.

Senate District 28, Republican Senator Sandy Crawford returns to the Senate with overwhelming support. 

Senate District 30, Springfield (R-Dixon) – Republican candidate and former House member Lincoln Hough defeated Democrat Charlie Norr, who is also a former House member. 

Senate District 32, Jasper & Newton Cos.  (R-Richard) Republican Bill White widely defeated his opponent Democrat Carolyn McGowan.

Senate District 34, Buchanan & Platte Cos. ( R-Schaaf) Republicn Tony Luetkemyer edged out over Democrat Martin Rucker II.



Summary  of  Key House Races:


Incumbents Defeated:

District 14, Southern Platte County – Republican Kevin Corlew was defeated by Democrat Matt Sain.

District 70, Maryland Heights – R – Matt Matthiesen narrowly defeated by  D – Paula Brown

District 97 – Arnold/Fenton – D – Mike Revis defeated by  R- Mary Elizabeth Coleman

Open seat contested races: others determined in the primary or no opposition in either race

District 3, Mercer, Putnam, Sullivan and Adair, (R-Walker) – Republican Danny Busick easily defeated Democrat Joni Perry of Kirksville. 

District 5, Shelby & Marion Counties (R-Shumake)  R- Louis Riggs defeats D – Joe Frese.

District 9, Andrew & Buchanan Cos. (R-Johnson) R- Sheila Solon (former House member) defeats D – Bob Bergland.

District 10, St. Joseph (D-Conway) R –Bill Falkner defeats D- Shane R. Thompson

District 11, St. Joseph (R-Higdon) R- Brenda Shields (wife of former Senator) over D-Brady Lee O’Dell

District 13, Parkville (R-Marshall) R- Vic Allred narrowly won over D – Mike Weber.

District 18, North KC (D-Arther) Democrats hold this seat with Wes Rogers defeating Republican Sarah Mills.

District 30, Lee’s Summit (R-Cierpoit) R- Jon Patterson holds this seat for Republicans by defeating D-Ryan Parks Shaw

District 31, Grain Valley, (R-Lauer) Republican Jeff Coleman defeats Janice Brill.

District 35, Lee’s Summit (R-Cross) D-Keri Ingle picks up this seat for Democrats by defeating R –Tom Lovell.

District 38, Excelsior Springs (R-Berry) Republican Doug Richey defeats D- Abby Zavos.

District 42, Montgomery & Warren (R-Korman) R- Jeff Porter defeats D-Joseph Widner

District 43, Audrain & Northern-Eastern Callaway (R-Houghton) R-Kent Haden defeats D-Jamie Blair

District 52, Sedalia (R-Beard) R- Bradley Pollitt over D – Dan Marshall

District 59, Cole & Northern Miller Cos. (R-Bernskoetter)  R-Rudy Viet over  D- Linda Ellen Greeson

District 60, Jefferson City (R-Barnes) R-Dave Griffith defeats D-Sara Michael

District 61, Northern Osage, Gasconade and Franklin (R-Alferman) R- Aaron Griesheimer defeats Pamela Manefee.

District 71, St. Louis Co. (D-Meredith) D-LaDonna Appelbaum defeats L-LaDonna Higgins

District 72, St. Louis Co. (D-Nichols)  D-Doug Clemons defeats R-Bruce Buwalda

District 79, St. Louis (D-Butler) D-LaKeySha Bosley over  L-Dan Elder

District 85, St. Louis (D-Smith)  D-Kevin L. Windam, Jr. defeats R-Steven McKnight

District 87, St.Louis Co. (D-Newman)  D-Ian Mackey over R- Steven Bailey

District 94, St. Louis Co. (R-Brown) R-Jim Murphy over D-Jean Pretto

District 95, St.Louis Co. (R-Haefner) R-Michael ODonnell; D-Mike Walter

District 102, St. Charles (R-Bahr) R- Ron Hicks (former House member) over D-John F. Foster

District 104, St. Charles (R-Conway) R – Adam Schnelting defeats D – Peggy Sherwin

District 109,Northeast Franklin Co (R-Curtman) R -John Simmons over D-James Cordrey

District 110, St. Louis Co. (R-Matthews) R- Dottie Bailey defeats D-Cody Kelley

District 116, Farmington (R-Engler) R – Dale Wright over  D -Bill Kraemer

District 118, Washington & Jefferson (D-Harris) R-Mike McGirl over D-Barbara Marco for a R pick up

Distrit 121, Northern Pulaski & Western Phelps (R-Frederick) R-Don Mayhew defeats D-Matt Heltz

District 123, Camden & Laclede (R-Franklin) R-Suzie Pollock defeats D-Joe Register

District 127, Barton, Dade & NE Jasper (R-Kelley) R-Ann Kelley defeats D-Teri Hanna

District 136, Springfield (R-Austin) R- J.Craig Fishel over D – Jeff Munzinger

District 137, Eastern Greene, Western Webster (R-Fraker) R-John F. Black defeats D-Raymond Lampert

District 146, Cape Girardeau County (R-Lichtenegger) R-Barry D. Hovis over D-Gayle A. Dace

District 152, Poplar Bluff (R-Richardson) R Hardy Billington defeats D-Robert Smith

District 153, Ripley & Carter (R-Cookson) R-Jeff Shawan over D-Matt Michel

District 159, Southern Newton & McDonald (R-Lant) R-Dirk E. Deaton over  D-Jerry Sparks

District 160, Northern & Central Newton County (R-Reiboldt) R-Ben Baker over D-Angela Thomas

District 161, Joplin (R-Lant) R-Lane Roberts over D- Elizabeth Lundstrum

District 162, Joplin (R-Davis)   R- Robert (Bob) Bromley over D-Sarah Hinkle and L-Mollie Dyer

2018 General Election

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