William A. Gamble
Principal & Co-Founder
Registered Lobbyist, Missouri Ethics Commission
Phone: 573.634.4876
Fax: 573.635-6258
Email: bill@molobby.com
B.S. Political Science, Central Methodist College
Bill Gamble attended Central Methodist College where he successfully completed a degree in political science. His career in government began in 1973 when he worked as a student intern for then State Representative Fred DeField. After college, Bill served as a research analyst for the Missouri House of Representatives. From 1977 until 1983 Bill was affiliated with John Britton and Associates where he lobbied for a variety of business and professional trade associations. In 1984 Bill began what is today Gamble and Schlemeier, Ltd. Bill resides in Jefferson City, Missouri, with his wife, Cyndi, and has two children, Katie and Jack.